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edited-develop tab-original

edited-develop tab-origanal

edited-double expose-original 


edited-double expose-original

edited-1 normal double expose-original

edited-David Hockney-original

I think I was successful with creating the 2-D image tactile in this photo set. I am pleased with my double exposed photos because I edited them really well and you can tell it is a double exposed photo and that was my goal. My first double exposed photo I used shells and flowers and I combined the two by lowering the opacity on the flowers so the shells would stand out, I also put filters on them to make it look more edited and interesting.In my second double exposed photo I used rocks and a calculator and only put a filter on the background rock to show that it was a double exposed photo and to make the rock more noticeable. I am also pleased with image 6, it turned out very well, on the photo I combined a photo of my niece and a photo of flowers. Image 7 also turned out well and I learned how to edit photos very differently during this set. My favorite image was image 6 because I edited it very well and it looks interesting.   

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